Benefits for Adults
USA Martial Arts utilizes a complete, integrated system which teaches techniques to defend yourself intelligently in threatening situations.
At USA Martial Arts we believe that developing and maintaining a sound body and mind are essential to getting the most out of life. In our adult program, students experience a unique approach to self defense and exercise that benefits both the body and mind.
To strengthen the body, our program incorporates isometric and dynamic tension exercises. Flexibility will be enhanced through a gradual building process of safe and easy stretching techniques. You will find that breathing and concentration exercises sharpen your senses and reflexes while allowing you to relax from the stresses of daily life. This unique combination of using the power of the body and the mind is the key to increased energy, self-discipline, and fitness for a longer, happier life. These qualities are essential in recognizing and handling self-defense situations, as well as managing stress.
Our system will also teach you how to respond to a variety of situations, such as:
Attacks at night. Attacks by two opponents. Attacks by assailants with a weapon and how to disarm them. Sexual assault.
USA Martial Arts
Regional Headquarters
Hoover, Alabama 35226
All information on this page, and subsequent USA Martial Arts pages are the sole property of USA Martial Arts, Inc. 1997-2015.